I got lost finding myself

I wandered away from my blog one day and couldn’t seem to find my way back. There have been a million ideas buzzing around in my head for blog posts but I have not had the ambition to come on here and put the ideas into words. Occasionally I started a blog and then deleted […]

How can we fail.

I’m discovering at I am an emotional blogger. Much like an emotional eater with food, when I feel an intense emotion I turn to my blog. The lack of inspiration lately, aside from my little ” protest“, is indicative of my mental state. Things have been good. Great actually! The teenagers have been less like […]

Does this straight jacket make me look fat

I’m considering adding to my wardrobe. A lovely new jacket with a lot of staps and buckles. All white with the trendsetting design of arms in the back. It’s from the newest collection aimed at mothers of teenagers and entrepreneurs sacrificing their savings and sanity in the effort to build a new business. The style […]